Dev Diwali, also known as Dev Deepawali, is one of the most significant festivals celebrated in Varanasi, the spiritual heart of India. This grand event marks the triumph of light over darkness and is celebrated on the full moon night […]
Dev Diwali, also known as Dev Deepawali, is one of the most significant festivals celebrated in Varanasi, the spiritual heart of India. This grand event marks the triumph of light over darkness and is celebrated on the full moon night […]
Ganga Vilas, a cruise ship in India, sails the ancient river. Cruises from Calcutta to Varanasi and beyond become unforgettable experiences on this humanist vessel, crisp and silvery in the sunlight, luminous and soft in the fog, glowing at night. […]
Contents River cruises on ships in India may seem a novel way to experience the country. However, Indian river cruises have been around since colonial times. Here’s a historical view of Indian river cruises and travels. How Ships on the […]
Rivers were used to grow crops and transport goods and people, but respect for the power of flowing water was the bedrock on which people engaged with rivers. The numerous shrines, temples, dargahs, mosques, and burning ghats that garland the river […]
As the festive season approaches, you’re probably looking for unique and unforgettable ways to celebrate Christmas. We offer you an extraordinary voyage, a Ganga Vilas Christmas cruise. This luxurious and culturally immersive experience along the sacred Ganges River takes you […]
River Cruises: Voyages Beyond Expectations Antara River Cruises, the pioneers of luxury river sailing in South Asia, invite you to an unparalleled New Years’ voyage on a cruise ship. On the picturesque Ganges, an extraordinary New Year’s Eve 2024 awaits you, with the […]
Ras Lila Culture and tradition on Antara River Cruises routes What is Ras-lila? The divine love between Radha and Krishna manifests in many poetic and lyrical ways in the eyes of their devotees, through history. Whether it is the platonic […]
Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary on Antara River Cruises’ Catamarans Antara River Cruises take you along the rivers that traverse the Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary in beautifully appointed catamarans. The Antara river cruise is India’s very first in Odisha, a breathtaking mix of the natural and historical. […]
Antara cruises, is giving travellers and explorers a chance to truly see and experience India in a new light, with relaxing river cruises designed to create a perfect rendezvous with its timeless cultural and natural heritage. Our exclusive catamaran cruises […]
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Heritage River Journeys Pvt. Ltd.
No. 7, 2nd Floor, Local Shopping Centre Vasant Arcade, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi 110070 India